Friday, January 25, 2013

Illustration Friday topic is Wings

For the topic wings I thought I would put another Two Can Art Collection image up. My studio has a big wisteria vine right outside my window that the birds love. It's nice to see them flit about. This little chickadee is in a different setting. I love the orange-red berries against the blue texture. As you may have seen in previous posts the textures are all painted by my son who is autistic and loves the whole sensory experience of paint to paper. I use the painted textures to create images. This is one of my favorite images from the collection.


  1. I love that you and your son collaborate on these pieces...gorgeous!

  2. thanks Sarah. I am really loving working with these textures!

  3. The colours in the background first caught my eye, and then I noticed the chickadee on the branch, seeming to fit right in. This is lovely!

  4. Chickadees always make me smile, and the colors in the background are wonderful. Nice!

  5. Thanks Linda and Ailish! I love chickadees too. I have a big wisteria vine outside my studio window and all types of birds flit about there. Nice inspiration.

  6. It was the background attracted me first, the lovely orange/blue contrast. Then I saw the sweet little bird...

  7. Nicky, Thanks, I love that background texture.
